Tagalog Lesson
See Video Lesson Below…
Aim: This lesson aims to give you Tagalog translations on naming things with Nouns.
All nouns (THINGS) are in BOLD TEXT.
People, animals, places, and things need names. A term for an idea, be it real, workable idea or a fantasy is a noun. The part of speech that names them is a NOUN.
Vocabularies for this Lesson:
These are words that are commonly used in your houses.
English Nouns | Tagalog Nouns |
stove | kalan |
frying pan | kawali |
pot | palayok |
noodles | pansit |
spring rolls | lumpia |
ingredients | mga sangkap |
cupboards | paminggalan |
spoon | kutsara |
knife | kutsilyo; panghiwa |
plate | plato; pinggan |
fork | tinidor |
glass | baso |
cup | tasa |
tv | telebisyon |
movie | sine; mapapanood |
chair | upuan; silya |
table | mesa |
sofa | sopa |
window | bintana |
door | pintuan; pinto |
bed | higaan; papag; kama |
closet | aparador |
sheets | kumot |
pillow | unan |
towel | tuwalya |
soap | sabon |
lotion | losyon |
shampoo | siyampu |
toothpaste | tutpeyst |
toothbrush | sipilyo /sepilyo |
Other Links: |
A Dialogue
Part 1 – At the Kithen
Maria: Peter, can you please help me cook? (Peter, puwede bang pakitulungan mo akong magluto?)
can you = puwede bang
please help = pakitulungan (the prefix “paki” means please, “tulong” means help)
me = akong (ako)
cook = magluto
Peter: Sure! (Sige!; Ok!)
Maria: Can you please check the frying pan? I also need a pot. (Puwedeng pakitingnan mo ang kawali? Kailangan ko rin ang palayok.)
can you = puwedeng (can be “puwede bang”)
please check = pakitingnan
the frying pan = ang kawali
I also need = kailangan ko rin
pot = palayok
Peter: Sure. (Sige! ; Ok!)
Peter: Here they are. What are we going to cook? (Heto sila. Ano ang lulutuin natin?)
here they are = heto sila.
what = ano
going to cook = lulutuin (“luto” means cook)
natin = we
Maria: I will cook noodles and spring rolls. They are always everyone’s favorite. (Magluluto ako ng pansit at lumpia. Ang mga ito ay laging paborito ng lahat.)
I will cook = magluluto ako (“luto” means cook, “ako” means I)
noodles = pansit
spring rolls = lumpia
they = ang mga ito
are = ay
always = laging
favorite = paborito
everyone’s = ng lahat (the word everyone without ‘s means “lahat”)
Peter: Yummy! Would you like me to prepare the stove now? (Sarap! Gusto mo bang ihanda ko na ang kalan?)
yummy = sarap
would you like = gusto mo bang
to prepare = ihanda
the stove = ang kalan
Maria: Sure, thanks. (Sige, salamat.)
Maria: I will just check the ingredients I need. (Hanapin ko lang ang mga sangkap na kailangan ko.)
I will just = hanapin ko lang
the ingredients = ang mga sangkap
I need = na kailangan ko
Peter: Are we expecting someone to join us for a dinner? (Meron ba tayong inaasahan na sasali sa atin sa panghapunan?)
are we expecting = meron ba tayong inaasahan
to join = na sasali
us = sa atin
for a dinner = sa panghapunan
Maria: Some nieces and nephews are coming over and will stay with us for the weekend. (May mga pamangkin na darating at maglalagi dito hanggang Linggo.)
some nieces and nephews = may mga pamangkin (“pamangkin” can be a nephew or a niece)
are coming = na darating
will stay = maglalagi dito
for the weekend = hanggang Linggo
Peter: I would love to prepare the table now. Where can I find the plates, forks, spoons, glasses or cups? (Gusto ko nang ihanda ang mesa. Saan ko ba mahahanap ang mga plato, tinidor, kutsara, baso o tasa?)
I would love = gusto ko nang
prepare = ihanda
table = ang mesa
where can I = saan ko
find = mahahanap
plates = ang mga plato
fork = tinidor (forks mean “mga tinidor”)
spoon = kutsara (spoons mean “mga kutsara”)
glass = baso (glasses mean “mga baso”)
cup = tasa (cups mean “mga tasa”)
The word “mga” converts a singular word into plural (other examples: rooms = mga silid; chairs = mga silya; clothes = mga damit; shoes = mga sapatos; knives = mga kutsilyo)
Maria: Wait, can you please pass the knife to me? (Sandali, puwede bang pakipasa iyang kutsilyo sa akin?)
wait = sandali
can you = puwede
please pass = pakipasa
the knife = iyang kutsilyo
to me = sa akin
Peter: Here it is. (Eto.)
Peter: Ok, I am ready to prepare the table. (Sige, handa na akong gawin ang mesa.)
ok = sige
I am ready = handa na ako
to prepare = gawin
the table = ang mesa
Maria: All the things you need are in the upper cupboards. (Ang lahat ng mga kailangan mo ay nasa taas na paminggalan.)
all the things = ang lahat ng mga
you need = kailangan mo
are = ay
in the = nasa
upper = taas
cupboards = paminggalan
Maria: Thanks for helping me. I appreciate it. (Salamat sa pagtulong mo sa akin. Pinapahalagahan ko ito.)
thanks = salamat
for helping = sa pagtulong mo
me = sa akin
I appreciate = pinapahalagahan ko (“ko” means I)
it = ito
Peter: You are welcome! (Walang anuman!)
Part 2 – Living Room
Sherly (Niece1): Can we watch a movie before we go to sleep? (Puwede ba tayong manood ng sine bago tayo matulog?)
can we = puwede ba
watch = manood
movie = sine
before = bago
we = tayo
go to sleep = matulog
Paulo (Nephew1): That sounds like a good idea. (Mukhang maganda iyang iniisip mo.)
that sounds = mukhang
good idea = maganda iyang iniisip
Maria: Sure! Let me check which one is good to watch. (Sige! Tingnan ko kung ano ang magandang panoorin.)
sure = sige
let me check = tingnan ko
which one = kung ano
is good = ang magandang
to watch = panoorin
Peter: Make sure it is good, Maria. Everyone wants to have fun. (Siguraduhin mo lang maganda, Maria. Bawat isa sa atin ay gustong magsaya.)
make sure = siguraduhin
it is good = maganda
everyone = bawat isa sa atin (other term is “lahat”)
Maria: Ok, I have one here now. Could you please turn on the tv and let us watch this? (Ok, Mayroon akong isang nakita. Puwede bang pakibuksan ang telebisyon at panoorin natin ito?)
I have = mayroon akong
one = isang
could you = puwede bang
please turn on = pakibuksan
the tv = ang telebisyon
let us watch = panoorin natin
this = ito
Peter: Sure! (Sige!)
Antonio(Nephew2): Wow, I am a KC and Piolo fan. I would enjoy this one. (Wow, tagatangkilik ako nila KC at Piolo. Matutuwa ako dito.)
I am a fan = tagatangkilik ako
I would enjoy = matutuwa ako
this one = ito
Tricia(Niece2): Me too! (Ako rin!)
Peter: I think we need some extra chairs. (Sa palagay ko, kailangan natin ng iba pang mga silya.)
I think = sa palagay ko
we need = kailangan natin
some extra = ng iba pang
chairs = mga silya
Maria: The sofa could accommodate the three of us. (Puwede kaming tatlo sa sopa.)
sofa = sopa
could accommodate = puwede
the three of us = kaming tatlo (“tatlo”means three)
Peter: Ok, I will grab additional chairs from the kitchen. (Sige, kukuha ako ng mga iba pang mga silya sa kusina.)
I will grab = kukuha ako
additional = ng mga iba pang
chairs = mga silya
the kitchen = sa kusina (“kusina”means kitchen)
Maria: Thanks Peter! (Salamat Peter!)
Part 3 – Call it a Night
Peter: That was fun! (Ang saya!)
Tricia: It was! (Talaga!)
Maria: I think all of us are ready for bed. (Sa palagay ko, lahat tayo ay handa nang pumunta sa higaan.)
I think = sa palagay ko
all of us = lahat tayo
ready = handa
bed = higaan
Peter: Let me just check the windows and the doors if they are locked! (Tingnan ko lang ang mga bintana at mga pintuan kung lahat ay nakakandado. )
let me just check = tingnan ko lang
the windows = ang mga bintana
the doors = ang mga pintuan
if they are = kung lahat
locked = nakakandado
The word “The” is translated as “Ang”
Maria: Sherly and Tricia will use the bedroom in the hallway. Paul and Antonio will use the one close to my bedroom. You have extra sheets and pillows in the closets if you need more of them. (Si Sherly at si Tricia ang gagamit sa silid-tulugan sa may pasilyo. Si Paulo at si Antonio ang gagamit sa silid-tulugan na malapit sa silid ko. Mayroong mga ibang kumot at unan sa aparador kung kailangan niyo pa ang iba.)
will use = gagamit
the bedroom = sa silid-tulugan (just the word “silid” is fine to translate the word bedroom. Other Tagalog terms for it are “kuwarto; higaan”.)
the hallway = sa pasilyo
close to = malapit sa
Nieces and Nephews: Thanks auntie! Good night! (Salamat tita! Magandang gabi!)
Part 4 – Morning Time (Next Day)
Tricia: Good morning auntie! (Magandang umaga tita!)
Good morning = magandang umaga
aunt; auntie = tita
Maria: Good morning Tricia! Do you want to go shopping today? (Good morning Tricia! Gusto mo bang mamili ngayong araw na ito?)
good morning = magandang umaga
do you want = gusto mo bang
to go shopping = mamili
today = ngayong araw na ito
Tricia: Yes, I would love to! (Opo, gusto ko!)
Tricia: Excuse me for a minute, I need to get in the bathroom. (Mawalang galang po, kailangan kong pumasok sa banyo.)
excuse me = mawalang galang (“Excuse me” can just be used as it is without translation like the word “Sorry”)
I need = kailangan kong
to get in= pumasok
bathroom = banyo
Maria: Ok. (Sige.)
Tricia: Auntie, would you please share some of your towels? (Auntie, puwede bang pakipahiram ako ng tuwalya niyo?)
would you = puwede bang
please share = pakipahiram (the word “paki” is used as a prefix to emphasized the word please)
towel = tuwalya (other term is “pamunas”)
Maria: Sure, I am not too sure if there are toothpaste and soap in the bathroom. Could you please check them in the cupboards if there are new ones? I remember, I bought bottle of shampoos and lotions lately, but I am not too sure if other stuff you might need are all there. (Oo naman, hindi ko alam kung mayroong tutpeyst o sabon sa banyo. Puwede bang pakitingnan mo sa pamiggalan kung mayroong bago? Naalala ko, bumili ako ng siyampu at losyon kamakailan lang, pero hindi ko alam kung nandiyan lahat ang mga ibang kakailanganin mo.)
Sure = oo naman (Sometimes these words “oo naman” is better to use than just saying “okay” or “sige” which are other tagalog terms of the word sure. “Oo naman” shows sincerety more. )
I am not too sure = hindi ko alam
if there are = kung mayroong
toothpaste = tutpeyst
soap = sabon
bathroom = banyo (other term is “paliguan”)
could you = puwede bang
please check = pakitingnan (the word “paki” emphasizes the word please)
I remember = naalala ko
I bought = bumili ako
shampoo = siyampu
lotion = losyon
lately = kamakailan lang
but = pero
I am not too sure = hindi ko alam
if = kung
other stuff you might need = mga ibang kakailanganin mo
are all there = nandiyan
Tricia: Sure, thanks. I should be ok. (Sige, salamat. Okay lang po ako.)
SEE Related Links:
PART 1 (Nouns) – Naming People with Nouns
PART 2 (Nouns) – Naming Places with Nouns
Other Lessons: Learn Tagalog; Tagalog Video Lessons
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