Q & A

Note:  We are testing some pages of the website to AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages). If data, audio, and forms are missing when browsing the website on Mobile, PLEASE use the link to the website for redirections.

1)    Q:  Why is the term that I am trying to search for translation not displaying?

A:  The search boxes on the right side of each table are only designed for the corresponding category contained in each table.  Words that are not covered under that category will not come out.

2)  Q:  Can I use the search box for a Filipino term or English term?

A:  Yes, it should be able to search the translation as long as it is in the database.

3)  Q:  I need a general term for my personal use.  I don’t see this term here.

A:  Translation dictionary for English-Tagalog-Ilocano is up but there is a bigger plan to enrich more your learning and vocabulary.  Please be patient… Subscribe to our newsletter for future updates.

4)  Q:  Can I browse the website on a tablet, iPhone or Smartphone platform?

A:  The developer used the latest technology to implement a responsive website for your use on smaller platforms so it should work.  However, if you have any problem browsing it in a smaller platform then please contact us.

5)  Q:  Can I download an iPhone or Smartphone application of the website?

A: No, it is not available in an application on iPhone or Smartphone.  However, the team will work hard to provide you with the best possible means so you would love to stay with us.  Subscribe to our newsletter for our future updates.

6)  Q: Why can’t I hear the audio?

A: Check if the speaker is working or the volume of your computer, tablet or phone is able.

7)  Q: I see the Tagalog translation of a word I am looking for but I don’t see the Ilocano translation.

        A:  There are words that are translated in Tagalog that has the same translation in Ilocano. But if this is not the case, we are making every effort to continuously update the dictionary and to incorporate lessons to make your learning the most effective.